Langkau ke kandungan utama

Hat Yai ,Stay and Eat

Hat Yai is big city in southern Thailand,is around 45 KM from Malaysia border.If you drive from Malaysia ,you have to enter according to Bukit Kayu Hitam or Padang Besar.I think it easy from Bukit Kayu Hitam.
 Hat Yai is the largest city of Songkhla Province, the largest metropolitan area in Southern, and third largest metropolitan area of the country. It is often mistaken as being the capital of the province, but Songkhla is the capital and the center of administration and culture, while Hat Yai is the business center. The two cities are considered as twin cities due to their close connection, and accordingly, Hat Yai and Songkhla form the Greater Hatyai-Songkhla Metropolitan Area.

Where to stay ? Popular place for Malaysian is at Lee Garden,Regency Hotel or Hat Yai Grand Plaza Hotel
Where to eat for Halal Food ? At level 5 Lee Garder Plaza Mall and Hotel.There are Muslim stall and the only one. Or at Kelantan Restaurant at Thanon Sangchan Road ,walk from front Lee Plaza and turn Right until you reach junction.Kelantan Restaurant at left .

There are many place to shopping. It depend on you to choose.
Hat Yai is well known as a shopping destination for both Thais and foreigners. There are numbers of department stores and markets around the city. Kim Yong market on Supasarn Rungsan road and Suntisook Market on Nipat U-tid 1, 2 & 3 roads are among the best-known. Their main products are imported process food, cosmetics, fabrics and electric appliances. The city's fresh market and fruit market located near the railway. Several smaller fresh market can be seen around the area.
The city has two large weekend markets, namely Asian Trade and Greenway on Kanchanavanit road. They mainly sell second-hand products, including clothes, shoes, decor and souvenirs. In addition, there are several large shopping centres in the city, including Diana, Odean, Robinson, Central, Siam Nakharin, Big C, Big C Extra, Tesco Lotus and Makro. Central Festival, one of the largest shopping centres in southern Thailand.

For more infomation about Hat Yai Read More Here


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