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Profile : Travel Blog Malaysia Thailand

Travel Blog Malaysia Thailand , establish on 2012 at la-Ngu ,Satun, Thailand.We are freelance tourist guide and our office located at No17/12 Market Road ,La-Ngu Satun Thailand.

As an incoming agency’s most important destination, it supports core business of tour operators and as a major contribution, quality is assured through direct contact with customers. The important tasks include organizing transfers, excursions and tours, arranging car rentals, and supporting and organizing the purchase of local hotel capacities for tour operators.

We offer a generous package of additional operator services. A few examples would clarify such as,

Clear up-to-date information with several search criteria which help both
tour operators and customers to find a suitable holiday package easily
and accurately,

Separate identification of hotels, not only according to categories (stars)
but also according to their suitability for certain groups of guests and
their needs: Family, Flair, Club, All Inclusive, Sport.
An experienced and enthusiastic team will look after you and your needs from the very beginning of our co-operation.Teamwork means a fast reply and effective communication at all times.

We owe our success to client and travel agent satisfaction.We promise to establish a long-term and mutually beneficial business relationship;to keep close contact in all phases of our co-operation; to take special care of each and every guest; to be available at any time and to be your confidential partner in Malaysia,

Our service is more on help tourist from Malaysia to visit Thailand and tourist From Thai to Visit Malaysia esspeacially Penang and others.
Our Service : 1.Lead Convoy of Car ( Wang Kelian-Satun-Pak Bara-Manang-Hat Yai-Dannok - Bukit      
                         Kayu Hitam
                     2. Fishing Trip to Island near Pak Bara (koh lipe,andang etc )

                     3. Arrangge Muslem Marrigge at Thailand ( Hotel,Kadi approved by Malaysia Law and
                          other related document )

                     4.Sold product from Thailand such as Fisihing net , Bird (merbah jambul  etc.

                     5. Guide tourist vist Thailand ( arrange room, lead to popular tourism place etc )

                     6. Guide tourist visit Malaysia ( arrange room, lead to popular tourism place etc )

Contact Person : Karlisa Latisya
                          email :

We will cash you in minimum service cost.


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TM6 THAI Borang TM6 , Borang TM2 dan Borang TM3 ke Thailand. Borang apakah itu ? Ramai yang dok keliru dengan borang ini. 1. Borang TM6 atau white card . Ada dua keratan yang perlu diisi. - keratan Arrival Card dan Departure Card, kena isi dua dua. - Arrival Card disimpan oleh Imigresen Thai. - Departure Card disimpan bersama passport atau border pass. - Departure Card MESTI diserahkan sewaktu keluar dari Thai. Disertakan bersama Passport semasa stamping. - JIKA HILANG , sila lapor ke Pejabat Imigresen atau tahan telinga kena maki ( hahaha ) Oleh itu ambil gambar passport dan TM6 simpan didalam HP sebagai bukti jika hilang. Borang TM2 dan TM3 dicopy dari 2. TM2 adalah borang maklumat kenderaan. - Borang ini boleh didapati di Pejabat Imigresen Thai. - Diisikan dan diserah kepada Pegawai Imigresen Thai untuk mendapat pengesahan semasa stamping passport. - Serahkan semasa pulang ke malaysia kepada Pegawai Imigresen Thai semasa stamping P


Lokasi Menarik di Pak Bara Satun Thailand untuk dilawati. Persiapan untuk masuk Thailand melalu Wang Prachan, Satun menggunakan Passport ( MAY 2022 ) a. Thai Pass link / DIMANSUHKAN SEJAK JULY 2022 b. Covid Insuran  DIMANSUHKAN SEJAK JULY 2022 b. Covid Insuran c. Insuran kenderaan ( Por Ror Bor & Voluntary ) d. Geran kenderaan e. TM6 TM2 TM3 Untuk memudahkan urusan sila klik link berikut ( Malaysia ) ( Singapura ) Border Pass  ( MAY 2022 ) a. Tempuh melawat 3h2m ( Tempuh 30 hari sejak July 2022 ) b. Tiada Thai Pass dan Insuran Covid  DIMANSUHKAN SEJAK JULY 2022 b. Covid Insuran c. Insuran kenderaan ( Por Ror Bor & Voluntary ) d. Geran kenderaan e. TM6 TM2 TM3 INSURAN KENDERAAN ( Malaysia ) ( Singapura ) 1. Wang Kelian Immigration, Customs, Quarantine and Security (ICQS) Complex +60 9-945 6328

Apa Ada Di Pak Bara Satun Thailand

Apa Ada Di Pak Bara Satun Thailand ? Macam mana nak pi kePak Bara ? Ini soalan lazim yang sering ditanya oleh pembaca. Mai aku nak cerita kat hangpa. Anda WAJIB lalu dan singgah di  CJS SATUN 406 Kedai milik Akitivis Bahasa Melayu Satun. Dikenali kalangan bikers dan rider Malaysia Singapura dan Asean. Kerana Banyak membantu mereka yang ditimpa musibah tanpa sebarang bayaran. CJS SATUN 406 1. Pos Imigresen Wang Kelian. Hangpa klik pautan ini.  Wang Kelian Ke Pak Bara 2. Pak Bara View, mercu tanda Pak Bara berlatarkan Ikan Maling dan Laut Andaman. Tempat santai seisi keluarga. Bermula jam 3.00 pm ada gerai menjual makanan. Pasar Malam pula setiap Sabtu dan Ahad adalah kemuncak pasar malam. Pautan Maps :  Pak Bara View Point Pak Bara View Point 3. Makanan Laut dan Makanan Thai yang ori. Dah enam tahun di Pak Bara dan sekitar Satun. Kedai terbaik Nava Seafood. Alasannya 100% HALAL . Arak tidak dibenarkan masuk ke Kedainya. Berbeza dengan kedai-kedai lain.TAPI ikut su