Langkau ke kandungan utama

Satun: Rafting Paradise at Manang

If you are looking the good place for rafting Satun Province is one of the good choice  Canoeing and kayaking are two ways to enjoy the spectacular seascape, limestone cliffs and caves in Satun’s waters as these sports allow visitors to explore hidden offshore areas at a more leisurely can do it one day trip or stay over night there. you can book  the accommodation around the rafting area there have also bungalow guest house and home stay the  price of accommodation also good price.
How to go there
 - From Bankkok - Check the flight schedule from Bankkok Airport direct to Had-Yai Airport.
 - From Had-Yai Airport you can take taxi direct to Auampher Ma-nang   tell the taxi driver going to the place for rafting.(if you stay in The province close to Satun province for example Songkhla province or Trang Province you can take 1 day trip direct to rafting area it take about 1 Hrs.from that province)
- Rafting you can make booking  from bungalow  or guest house around rafting area.
Restaurant you can find at the bungalow or guest house.
 Good period to go there start from Jan-Dec
This trip is adventure  recommend for age 9-55 year old if you are strong that would be good for you.
Never try never know.


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